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5 Toxic Foods To Never Feed Your Bulldog

By Jessica Evans on Apr 20, 2023

Nobody who owns a bulldog will ever tell you that their dog lacks hunger. For many people, dogs end up being an animated garbage disposal when it comes to dinner. However, you need to be careful about what you are feeding your dog. Bulldogs in particular tend to be more susceptible to “toxic” foods.


For starters, your bulldog should be fed a recommended dog food. Table scraps just won’t do. Surprised? Well, here are five foods that might do more than make your dog whimper a little. These foods can cause some serious damage to your favorite companion. And, it’s a good bet that some of these foods might surprise you.


On this list, we are looking at everyday foods that might surprise you. We’ve left out the common toxic foods such as chocolate, grapes, raisins, and onions. So, before you clear off your dinner table into your bulldog’s food dish take a look at these human delicious, yet bulldog-toxic foods. You’ll thank us.


1. Raw Bread Dough

Raw Dough is Bad for Bulldogs

Raw bread dough can harm your dog in several ways. First, introducing raw dough (yeast) to a dog’s stomach can inhibit fermentation.

Secondly, the dough can cause large gas bubbles that force your dog’s stomach and intestines to expand. This can lead to extreme pain and a ruptured stomach or intestinal tract.


2. Macadamia Nuts

Bad for English Bulldogs - Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are on this list because of how recently they’ve been discovered to be a problem for dogs. In fact, the discovery is so new that scientists don’t even know what chemical compounds harm dogs. What’s unique about macadamia nuts is that dogs appear to be the only species known to have problems.

While problems appear to be nonfatal, your dog will definitely be in pain. They may experience frequent vomiting, difficulty walking, tremors, depression, and hypothermia.


3. Apple Cores

Apple Cores are toxic to English Bulldogs

Apples may be one of the most popular fruits on the market, but for dogs, apple cores can be one of the most toxic. The core of an apple contains cyanogenic glycosides. Haven’t heard of it? Well, how about its common name—cyanide?

Leaving your cores laying around can lead your dog to breathing problems, seizures, shock, and coma.


4. Avocado

Avocados are toxic to bulldogs

Avocados are a delicious buttery fruit popular in guacamole, sandwiches, and pasta. However, for your English bulldog, the dangers are two-fold.

First, the entire fruit from the pit to the leaves contains a toxin called persin that can lead to stomach problems, breathing issues, and fluid build-up in the chest.

Second, the pit—hard and slippery—can become lodged in the bulldog’s gastrointestinal tract.


5. Bacon

Bacon is toxic to english bulldogs

Okay, I bet you didn’t expect to see bacon on the list. In fact, many of you might have been sliding crisp pieces of fatty bacon into your bulldog for years. However, fat-rich bacon can lead to pancreatic which can lead to an inflamed pancreas that affects its functionality.

When the pancreas loses functionality your dog will suffer from digestion issues and difficulty absorbing nutrients.

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